Therapeutic Yoni Massage & Mapping

  • Therapeutic Yoni Massage is a sacred, feminine healing modality that has been practised for centuries.

    Akin to other types of healing massage techniques, Therapeutic Yoni Massage allows individuals an opportunity for targeted healing of a specific area of their body, being the Yoni.

    The ancient origins can be felt in Modern Therapeutic Yoni Massage & Mapping, with the practice still heavily informed by Taoist and Tantric philosophy, practices and rituals. The word "Yoni" itself is Sanskrit, and translates as, the "source of all life", referring to the entire female reproductive system, womb and genitalia, both internally and externally.

    Despite many people's initial projections, Therapeutic Yoni Massage is in no way erotic or sexual. Instead, the intention of Therapeutic Yoni Massage is to provide the receiver with healing in whatever form they are needing, a deep sense of empowerment, connection, self-love, education and information about their body, Yoni and self in their entirety.

    While this healing will look different for everyone, individuals have the opportunity to address and release stored emotion, negative experiences, potential trauma (such as sexual or birth trauma) and tension held within the Yoni - and by extension, clear blockages within their sexual, emotional and energetic systems too.

  • Therapeutic Yoni Massage is an opportunity to come into direct contact with a part of the body (that being the womb and pussy) that many women feel deeply disconnected, numb and/or removed from.

    Through this healing modality, individuals have the opportunity to address and release stored emotion, negative experiences, potential trauma and tension held within the Yoni - and by extension, clear blockages within their sexual, emotional and energetic systems too.

    It is incredibly common for our bodies to store unprocessed experiences and emotions and, as with any type of bodywork, it isn’t until we actually work somatically (physically with the body) that we can access and transmute these pieces that have subconsciously become apart of us.

    As a practitioner, Ruby has undergone many years of training in the sexuality space, and has years of experience working with trauma as a trauma informed practitioner. In saying this, Therapeutic Yoni Massage is not appropriate for anyone with any kind of active trauma.

    Additionally, Therapeutic Yoni Massage can also assist individuals to dearmour their Yoni by transmuting any protective responses within their body, alleviate symptoms of painful sex, restore blood flow, sensation and pleasure to numb areas or areas of low sensation in the Yoni, thus supporting individuals to create more pleasurable future sexual experiences.

    Additionally, Therapeutic Yoni massage transcends the physical, providing a deeply nourishing and safe space for women to be seen and held in their fullness and supported and guided to connect both physically and energetically to the innate power and wisdom held in their womb and pussy.

  • A session spans for approximately 3-3.5 hours.

    Prior to in person bodywork, we will have a pre session 30 minute Connection Call via Zoom (which you can book here) to talk through the process, ask any questions you may have and ensure that you are feeling super clear on your intention of receiving the Therapeutic Yoni Massage. This is also a beautiful opportunity for us to ensure that there is nothing present that may need to be addressed via 1:1 coaching or worked through prior to the bodywork taking place.

    If everything feels aligned, you can then book in a time and day that is aligned with your cycle or confirm a pre booked date. If you have already booked a session, it will not go ahead until the 30 minute connection call has taken place.

    When it comes to the in person session, we will begin with a drop in, discussion of consent, needs, desires and boundaries prior to any bodywork occurring.

    The bodywork itself begins with an intuitive and nurturing body massage, intended to target areas associated with and connected to the Yoni (head, face, jaw, feet, ankles, breast and womb), deepen safety, open the heart, connect to the womb and activate the parasympathetic nervous system.

    This initial bodywork allows the receiver to settle, soften, energetically open and relax before the Therapeutic Yoni Massage begins.

    Consent will be asked continually throughout the bodywork session and the session proceeds entirely at the receivers pace and only with their fully informed consent.

    The specifics of the internal and external Yoni Massage itself will be explained in detail and demonstrated using a vulva cushion teaching tool prior to the bodywork, however, with consent it will involve a detailed mapping and massaging of the external (vulva) and internal (vagina) areas of the Yoni.

    As previously mentioned, this practice is in no way erotic or sexual, instead providing the receiver with an opportunity for connection to self, education, alchemisation of emotion and empowerment.

    A week following the bodywork session, there is also the option for a 1 hour integration call (additional $99AUD) to ensure that you're feeling on track and super supported.

    Ruby will be available to you post session via email (at no additional cost) for any support with integration that you may need also.

  • Therapeutic Yoni Massage is appropriate for supporting women with their healing process for a wide range issues, and for simply supporting women to come into deeper connection with themselves.

    However, Ruby does not offer Therapeutic Yoni Massage to :

    • Anyone under the age of 18

    • If you are currently in your first or third trimester of pregnancy. While Therapeutic Yoni Massage is safe for pregnant mummas right up until birth, Ruby chooses to only offer it to women in their second trimester for optimal comfort and safety. If you have any history or miscarriage or early birth/labour, please inform Ruby of this so it can be discussed prior to the session.

    • If you are in an active state of trauma of any kind. While Therapeutic Yoni Massage can be a beautiful modality to utilise in transmuting stored emotions, experiences and trauma, it is not appropriate if you are experiencing any active trauma. Active trauma refers to any kind of trauma that is currently impacting your day to day functioning.

    • If you have recently had any kind of major surgery, particularly abdominal or genital related surgery within the previous 8 weeks.

    • If you have recently given birth within 12 weeks. While Therapeutic Yoni Massage is a beautiful modality to use to support women postpartum, particularly in relation to birth trauma and reconnecting with the Yoni after birth, the receiver needs to be fully healed.

    If you have any questions about whether Therapeutic Yoni Massage may be appropriate for you, please don’t hesitate to ask using the enquiry form below.

  • The bodywork sessions are held at Ruby’s private residence in the Margaret River region of Western Australia, located approximately 3 hours south of Perth.

    Ruby is also happy to travel to Perth, where sessions will take place in a private Airbnb, Ruby charges an additional $200 on top of the usual fee for this service.

    All additional calls, including the 30 Minute Connection Call will occur via Zoom online.

  • "I wholeheartedly recommend Ruby to anyone seeking to reconnect with themselves on the most intimate level." - H

  • "Ruby’s capacity to help me unfold and tap into my body, my womb and my Yoni was nothing like I had ever experienced." -C

  • "My Yoni Massage with Ruby was one of the most special and important healing experiences of my life." -A

  • "Ruby offers a transformative experience that transcends physical touch, empowering individuals to reclaim their sense of self-worth and embrace the beauty of their bodies." -H

  • "I felt so safe and held by Ruby in our session together, where she was incredibly compassionate, professional and so, so loving with the way she held the space." -K

  • "I felt really seen & taken care of during the entire session. I am so grateful to have connected with Ruby & would highly recommend her as a practitioner.” -L

Enquire About Therapeutic Yoni Massage Below…